Niantic has made another exciting announcement for Pokemon Go fans. Pokemon Go will introduce Go Battle League, a new online matchmaking system in early 2020. Players are really excited to learn about the arrival of this new feature.
Since, the beginning of Pokemon Universe, Pokemon Battles have been a core part of it. Today, Niantic has announced the development of a new feature which will build upon Trainer Battles, the current form of player vs. player battling that exists within Pokémon GO. This feature will be called GO Battle League.
The upcoming Go Battle League will also encourage players to get out and explore the wild along with their Pokemon. Pokemon Go Battle League will feature an online matchmaking system. Players winning more battles will rise in the ranks of the league.

Pokemon Go Battle League will feature players from all around the globe. The release of this new battling system will enhance the Pokemon Go battling experience. The inclusion of this feature will make Pokemon Go battles more exciting and competitive.
Pokemon Go Battle League will arrive in early 2020. Niantic will release its detailed video in the coming time. If the Pokemon Go Battle League will work like Pokemonshowdown, then it will surely increase the Pokemon Go players count in the coming time.

For a quick refresher, Pokemon Go Halloween event is currently live in the game. The event started on October 17, 2019, and will stay live until November 1, 2019. Under Pokemon Go Halloween event, many Ghost-type and Dark-type Pokemon are featured in raids, eggs and in the wild.
Pokemon Go Halloween event has surely brought spookiness to the game. Pokemon Go Halloween event has also introduced a few new shadow Pokemon to the game which can be seen along with Team Go Rocket Grunts at Pokestops.

Players are required to defeat Team Go Rocket Grunts and save Shadow Pokemon from them. To save Shadow Pokemon, they need to go under the process of Purification. The process of Purification cost candy and stardust.
The following list of Pokemon are needed to be saved from Team Go Rocket Grunts: Magmar, Beedrill, Electabuzz, Lapras, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Sableye, Trapinch, Cacnea, Shuppet, Duskull, Weedle, Electabuzz and Kakuna.
Under this event, Darkrai is also featuring as Tier 5 Raid boss. Darkrai is also known as Pitch Black Pokemon. Darkrai is weak against Fairy-type and Fighting-type Pokemon. Players can catch Darkrai in the following CP range : ( 2048-2136 CP – Normal), ( 2560-2671 CP (Boosted)
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