Recent World of Warcraft updates (also known as ‘WoW’) brought the Trading Post. This works like a monthly rewards system that offers free items after having met certain goals the previous month.

Until now, players had been satisfied with the rewards obtained. However, that is not the case with the ‘March Trading Post’ rewards.


Multiple WoW players are currently disappointed with the items or rewards received in the ‘March Trading Post’, and the new ‘Clown’ or ‘Harlequin’ mog is being especially criticized.

WoW ‘March Trading Post’ rewards disappointing players

The monthly Trading Post allows players to receive more rewards the more goals they meet. But it seems that the ‘March Trading Post’ rewards do not bring any useful or valuable items.

That is, the main thing in the set of rewards seems to be cosmetic items and a small amount of WoW digital currency.

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…“I was expecting at least a mount, given the stablehand at the Trading post claims there’s one every month. Guess he is misinformed.”

Where are the mounts? Why is this stable hand, an in game NPC telling people different?

Trading post items are a big let down

can we please get some of the art team that developed mage tower weapons to work on stuff for the trading post please?

if you want to use trading post as a way to retain players, you have to make the rewards worth logging in to see…

It’s worth pointing out that the disappointment with the ‘March Trading Post’ rewards is due to the fact that items from previous months were much better, even bringing new mounts.

The first month, everything was buggy and broke, but at least there was 2 mounts and a couple things for casters. Now nothing… Looks like I will just let my tender build, extremely disappointed.

One of the most criticized ‘March Trading Post’ rewards is the new ‘Clown’ mog, officially dubbed ‘Darkmoon Harlequin’.

For those who don’t know, a WoW mog allows players to modify the entire appearance of their character’s armor. The result is a new armor design, but without changing its stats.

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Clown suite?

You guys got a whole room from the trading post? All I got was this pennywise costume. Slap in the face!

In summary, players consider the March rewards to be insufficient and worse than those of previous months. Part of the community doesn’t like the new mog either.

‘Clown’ (Darkmoon Harlequin) mog gets divided reactions, some are not even getting it

Not all opinions about the March rewards are bad, at least when it comes to the ‘Darkmoon Harlequin’ mog. There are players delighted with the appearance of their characters thanks to the new mog.

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A clown suite!? seriously blizzard!?

I love it, seriously. I like the outfits that are weird and goofy. Make costumes as transmog more. More bunny suits. a suit made out of silverware.

I just love that its also purple. I mean duh darkmoon faire. Still its a nice purple. And the pink on the hat tips is a nice accent

That said, it seems that the mog is bugged for some WoW players, as they are not receiving it even after meeting the requirements.

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Did not receive Darkmoon Harlequin or full Traveler’s Tender

After completing the March edition of the Traveler’s Log, I returned to Stormwind and accessed the Collector’s Cache chest. The chest did let me open it, but it only contained 400 Tender instead of 500, and did not contain the Darkmoon Harlequin reward.

In these cases, WoW players are receiving all the rewards from the ‘March Trading Post’ except the ‘Clown’ mog.

Same here I finished all the pre stuff to get the set and once I looted the chest, I didn’t get the set only tenders not sure what happened

There is still no official word from Blizzard on the community complaints or about the Clown mog being missing for some. We will update this story as events unfold.

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Jean Leon
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