This One Piece article is based on spoilers. Only those interested in spoilers should take a read.

Updates on the previously posted spoilers clarify some important details. rather_random_rex posted a translation from a Chinese forum that corrects and supplements some of the leaked details.

Here is a summary of those updates and some side comments and theories related to them.

The Cover: Dressrosa in Another Crisis?

The cover shows Bege and Chiffon with their crew in Dressrosa. The country is scarred by battle. It is not clear however whether the scar is from a recent battle or from Luffy and Doflamingo’s clash.

With a nationwide damage caused by Doflamingo’s bird cage attack, patching up the whole country would really take time. Besides, I see no reason for Bege to attack Dressrosa. Among the previous side stories in the cover, Bege and Chiffon’s group were looking for Lola.

If the scar is from a recent battle, it may be caused by an attack from the people who used to buy weapons from Doflamingo.

Flashbacks of Oden and Wano

The chapter starts with a flashback of Oden recounting why Wano closed its borders to the world. Apparently, the Kozuki family has something to do with the closing of the country.

Furthermore, it was mentioned that Wano will reopen its borders when a world-shaking event takes place. Some fans suggest that the term ‘world’ refers to the world government. I think the Kozuki’s participation in the void century is one of the greatest threat to the world government.

The world government continues to try to penetrate Wano even in the current setting with CP-0. It is possible that the closing of the country is not just because of their resources, but within Wano lies an artifact from the void century that threatens the world government the most.


Straw Hats in Action

Correction in previous leak: Hitetsu gave the Straw hats their samurai armors, not Inurashi. Zoro declines the armor. Franky is ordering people to fix the boats. The damage could be from the storm. It is also possible that they were really attacked, but were able to survive somehow.

Usopp says to ride the Sunny and meet up at the promised port. Probably after the boats are fixed.

Robin’s intel is clarified. Orochi said the entrance to Onigashima is winter. Nami and the Minks discuss whether there will be a full moon during the night of the attack. Also my previous speculation that they intend to use Sulong mode got confirmed.

Luffy talks about Jinbei. He is worried about him and wonders if he’ll be able to make it to Wano in time. Since Oda had Jinbei mentioned in this coming chapter, we might hear more news about Jinbei’s whereabouts in the coming chapters.


Holdem’s Investigation and The Bombing of Sunny

Holdem investigates the stolen food. O-Tsuro realizes that Kinemon and his allies may have stolen the food for their armies. O-Tsuro tries to distract Holdem and the villagers take the blame on themselves.

Meanwhile, the beast pirates discovers the hiding place of Sunny. They bombed Sunny’s hiding place including all their ships and the bridges linking their locations. It’s not clear whether this happened after their meeting or before. But I’m pretty sure they won’t be taken down that easily.

The Sunny already survived a lot. And I’m sure Franky will not allow his masterpiece to be destroyed.

Kinemon & his companions continue to attack Onigashima

After a heart-wrenching scene in chapter 958, Kinemon decided to carry out the attack. Apparently, they have not met with the Straw hats yet. But this does not stop Kinemon from fulfilling Toki’s prophecy.

Besides, the prophecy states that on the night of the Fire Festival, nine shadows with red scabbards would appear. Kinemon’s group consists of nine members which would make the prophecy true. Maybe my previous theory is true that Toki also has the ability to see the future.

The Nine Red Scabbards are not a threat big enough for Kaido and Orochi. But Toki did not mention that there will be no back up. My theory is, once Kinemon and the others appear and start fighting, the Straw hats and the others will come to back them up. The usual late entrance of heroes.

More details on the coming chapter will surely come. Stay updated by following

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Image credits:Viz Media/ Funimation/ Onepiece.fandom

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Lambert Nathaniel
194 Posts

I am a university teacher who can't get enough of anime and manga. My class' group names are based on my favorite characters, especially from One Piece. I read manga or watch anime every chance I have. I started reading manga just a few years back and I was hooked the first day. I usually follow fan pages and am consistently given a Top Fan Badge. I also love baking and cake decorating and trying to make anime-themed cake designs.

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