One Piece chapter 959 is just a few days away, as it will be officially released on October 21. Spoilers usually spread few days before the release but it seems like they will be a little late this time around. However, this does not stop fans from predicting what will happen in the upcoming chapter.

Reports suggest the involvement of Tama and her devil fruit power, and also supports the theory of Law’s intervention in the previous chapter’s devastating events. Additionally, a Reddit thread suggests more theories from fans. Here are some of those theories that sound interesting.

Kibi Dango Saves the Day

There is a standing theory that Law is heavily involved in the previous chapter. Transporting ships with thousands of men in a jiffy is no easy task especially given the current weather in Udon. Law’s ability to teleport would surely be handy in accomplishing the job.

However, it is not a guarantee that such a plan would be flawless. According to reports, Tama used her devil fruit power to tame Orochi’s subordinate and manipulate his report to Orochi. Law then uses his power to teleport everyone to a safe place.

Furthermore, the post suggests that Orochi would not be a fool to believe the first report about the demise of his enemies. The theory suggests that Orochi sent another person to double check the veracity of the first report.

Seeing only few debris of destroyed ships, he reported back to Orochi confirming the first report to be true.

The Trojan Horse Theory

Some fans at Reddit agree on an interesting theory. I call it the Trojan Horse theory since they refer to the Straw hats strategy as similar to the Trojan horse.

According to fans, a panel in the previous chapter showing people carrying something very heavy contains the missing alliance army. Most probably not all the 4,000 are inside, but the main forces preparing for a surprise attack.

We have seen this strategy pulled off by the Straw hats in Whole Cake Island arc. During Sanji’s wedding, Luffy popped out of an enormous cake prepared for the celebration.

Exodus in Wano

Another fan, BFbooger posted something noteworthy on Reddit. In chapter 955, if you remember Franky reinforced the ships they were using to be strong enough to carry 100,000 people. It made no sense at all since they have only 4,000 men on their side using those ships.

However, BFbooger suggests the ships may be used to transport the people of Wano to a safe distance during the war. The idea is that, after Kinemon and the rest reunite, they will take over the capital of Wano.

Once Orochi and Kaido realize that they have been tricked, they might attack the capital where the alliance will be waiting for battle. To keep the citizens safe, they will be asked to board the ships that Franky fixed and sail some place safe during the war.

Law and Drake’s Plan

This is another interesting theory. I covered this before and it suggests that Drake helped Law defeat Hawkins and free his crew. Drake then leaked the intel about the alliance’s meet up in Tokage and planned a counter measure with Law.

On their way to Tokage port, Luffy and their allies were teleported using Law’s ability to a safer place. Luffy complains saying they’ve to meet up with Momo and his company because they will be waiting.

Here’s a twist. Law hushes Luffy’s worries and tells him that they have another ally to meet up with them in Tokage port. And that ally would be Hawkins.

If you ask me, Hawkins has more reason to ally with Law and Luffy than X-Drake. Hawkins would seek revenge on Kaido and would see its possibility with Law-Luffy alliance. X-Drake, on the other hand, secretly waits for instructions from the fleet admiral on what action to take next.

We all know that Akainu doesn’t want to be involved in Wano’s current crisis. To avoid any suspicions, X-Drake joins the alliance with the goal of capturing them after the war in Wano ends.


Spoiler Updates

Spoiler may come later today. Watch out for more stories and updates on the development of the upcoming One Piece chapter 959.

NOTE: For more One Piece-related stories, readers may route here.
Image credits:Viz Media/ Funimation/ Onepiece.fandom

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Lambert Nathaniel
194 Posts

I am a university teacher who can't get enough of anime and manga. My class' group names are based on my favorite characters, especially from One Piece. I read manga or watch anime every chance I have. I started reading manga just a few years back and I was hooked the first day. I usually follow fan pages and am consistently given a Top Fan Badge. I also love baking and cake decorating and trying to make anime-themed cake designs.

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