This One Piece article is based on spoilers. Only those interested in spoilers should take a read.

Another Reddit post leaked some spoilers from the incoming chapter (958) of One Piece. It shows a backstory of Oden and his association with Roger Pirates. As per the leaks, Act 3 of Wano arc may begin in chapter 958.

A translation (leaked) of a part of the conversation between Roger and Oden goes like:

Oden: Thank you for taking me along, Roger.
Roger: What are you talking about you idiot, we are the ones who should thank you.

Well, this part of their conversation strengthens the theory that they’ve already seen the One Piece.


The latter part of the Reddit post shows the beginning of Act 3 with a tragedy in Udon. In chapter 955, Momonosuke together with seven red scabbards and Shinobu traveled towards Udon. Upon arrival in chapter 958, their 4,000 men and ships are nowhere to be found.

Ambush in Tokage Port

A twitter post by @SPManga states that there has occurred an incident during the previous night. And guess what? Orochi may have something to do with this.


In chapter 955, Orochi obtained information about the raid during the fire festival. Some of the intel given to Orochi included the change in the meeting place of the Pirate-Samurai-Ninja-Mink alliance from Hakuba to Tokage port in Udon.

Will Traitor be revealed?

An interesting part of the leaked dialogues is Momonosuke addressing Inurashi:

Momonosuke: What are you doing? Inurashi!

I don’t even want to imagine it, but it plays in my mind that Inurashi might be the traitor. We don’t have enough details to support this thought yet. But why would Momonosuke react that way towards Inurashi?

Another theory comes to mind and I hope this one would be right. Inurashi may have struck down one of the red scabbard or Shinobu. Maybe he learned that one of them was Orochi’s spy. If you think of it, Orochi’s spy may not come from Zou but from Wano.

I will lay down some details that might be helpful in figuring this out.

Search for Allies

20 years ago, Kinemon, Kanjuro, Raizo, Kikunojo & Momonosuke were sent to the present time to exact vangance upon Orochi & Kaido. Except for Kikunojo, the rest of them left Wano in search for allies.

Kinemon and Momonosuke met the Strawhats in Punk Hazard. From there they travelled to Dressrosa and found Kanjuro. After that they went to Zou and were reunited with Raizo. And finally they traveled together to Wano.

Raizo’s location was leaked by Orochi’s spy

It is a mystery how Jack knew that Raizo was in Zou, and was able to track the moving island. And Jack was specific to know that Raizo is a ninja. So the intel about him must come from someone who knows him well, another ninja?

Yes, I am talking about Shinobu. She might have Raizo’s vivire card, and that’s how Jack tracked him.

Ashura Doji or Shutenmaru, left his post as a red scabbard due to the length of waiting time. It is safe to say that he lost hope. Kwamatsu was imprisoned, Denjiro is yet to be revealed and Nekomamushi and Inurashi remained in Zou.

Shinobu’s betrayal

Shinobu is not part of the red scabbard. If Ashura Doji would lose hope and resort to being a bandit, it is possible that a ninja apprentice would too. Her weight gain could be a sign of depression.

She might have lost hope that the red scabbards would return and ended up working for Orochi. It would be kept a secret so that she can still get along with the others. And this is how she became Orochi’s spy.

The Reddit post was also updated with a scene where three of the scabbards to an unrevealed incident. It could be the same incident where Momonosuke reacted to something Inurashi did.

NOTE: For more One Piece-related stories, readers may route here.
Image credits:Viz Media/ Funimation/ Onepiece.fandom

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Lambert Nathaniel
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I am a university teacher who can't get enough of anime and manga. My class' group names are based on my favorite characters, especially from One Piece. I read manga or watch anime every chance I have. I started reading manga just a few years back and I was hooked the first day. I usually follow fan pages and am consistently given a Top Fan Badge. I also love baking and cake decorating and trying to make anime-themed cake designs.

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One Piece chapter 958 spoilers: Momonosuke's Dilema & Kinemon's desperate cry for help

This One Piece article is based on spoilers. Only those interested in spoilers should take a read. In coming are more updates on the upcoming One Piece chapter 958, credits...
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