To mark the Gundam franchise’s 40th anniversary, ‘Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway’ anime film trilogy has been announced. The first of the three films, Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash, opens in Japanese theaters on July 23, 2020.
The announcement comes on the back of an array of other releases from the franchise. To start with, the makers have dropped an extended second trailer for the film Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathway’s Flash, currently streaming on its official YouTube channel with English subtitles.
The trailer opens in U.C 0105, 12 years after Char’s rebellion, and introduces our protagonist Hathaway Noa on a mission to save a desperate humanity on Earth from its own corruption.
The anti-Federation government organization “Mafty,” led by someone called “Mafty Navue Erin,” has taken a stand against the corruption of the Earth Sphere. He is none other than Hathaway Noa, Bright Noa’s and an officer of the Earth Federation Forces had joined the forces trying to stop Char’s Rebellion.
With firsthand knowledge of the ideals and ideologies of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, he has become a warrior following in their footsteps…
The Gundam Global Portal on Facebook has posted an extended synopsis on ‘Gundam Hathaway’ and its back story with two stunning key visuals.
The official website for Mobile Suit Gundam Hathway simultaneously carried a news update with the names of the Japanese voice-cast and staff members working on this project.
Kensho Ono is playing as the male protagonist Hathaway Noa in the first film, along with Reina Ueda voicing as Gigi Andalucia, and Junichi Suwabe as Kenneth Sleg. The official website has also shared the character designs for Hathaway, Gigi Andalucia, and Kenneth Sleg.
Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway is an original work by Yuuki Tomino and Hajime Yatae under Production Sunrise. The key characters have been designed by Pablo Uchida, Nao Onda, and Shigeki Kohara.
The films have been color designed by Suzukita Kako, and Kenta Waki is the cinematographer. Apart from this, Takayuki Masuo and Tomohiro Fujie have given the film’s CG direction. Additionally, the theme song is by Alexandros.
(Image credit: Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway Official Website)
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