Every year, Spotify releases Wrapped, a yearly event that allows users to see their listening habits and music preferences.

Many other platforms like YouTube Music, Snapchat, BeReal, Twitch, Reddit, and, A03 have copied Spotify’s annual wrap-up and released their versions of the same.


We’ve previously covered stories where Apple Music and Xbox users were demanding something alike as well.

There are also some unofficial ways to get Spotify Wrapped-like stats for platforms like YouTube and Twitter.

And now, it seems that Grubhub has also been bitten by the Spotify Wrapped insect.

Grubhub criticized for Spotify Wrapped-like Year in Review

Grubhub is currently being roasted for copying Spotify’s Wrapped concept and creating its own Year in Review for deliveries.

oh thanks grubhub but I for SURE do not want a 2022 review of all my orders

Grubhub really did Spotify Wrapped for delivery. You quite literally could not pay me to open that.

On social media, users have criticized Grubhub for rolling out a feature or an event that was not necessary and is being forced on them.

Some are getting agitated because they do not want to be reminded of how many times they’ve cheated on their diet and then feel guilty about the same.

Mainly, users are disappointed because Grubhub Wrapped shows them the embarrassing and lazy side of their personality rather than the fun stuff like Spotify.

Grubhub criticized

It appears that Grubhub has completely missed the point of the entire ‘Year in Review’ trend. It’s supposed to make you feel good, not guilty.

Maybe if the implementation was more positive and highlighted customers’ tastes or preferences instead of their unhealthy eating habits, they would have liked it better.

While most are just annoyed or making fun of the entire situation, there are some customers who are truly disappointed by the platform and no longer intend to use it.

Grubhub did a “wrapped” for 2022 and algorithmic storytelling about your year based on behavioral data extraction has officially gone too far, it is a nightmare and I may never use that app again

Some are of the view that Grubhub shouldn’t follow suit and create a feature that is not necessary just to be a part of the trend.

It is important for companies to consider whether a new feature will be useful and wanted by their users before implementing it, rather than just going behind something that is trending.

We’ll keep an eye on this topic and update this story to reflect noteworthy information.

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Priyanka Pathak
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