If you remember, back in September 2017, the Google Search app received the ability to add homescreen shortcut icons (underneath the search bar) for quick access to different type of information. Well, Google has pulled the plug on the feature.
The confirmation about termination of the Feed/homescreen shortcut feature came from Andy B (a Google employee and also the Community Manager at Google Search and Assistant Help Forum) while reverting back to users complaining about not seeing the concerned feature any more.
Here’s what they said:
Andy from Google here – first of all, many thanks for your reports and feedback. I wanted to first confirm that this is an intentional feature change. As we move to the new feed experience for the Search app, which makes it easier than ever to discover and explore what matters to you, we’ve decided to remove the shortcuts feature
He called the removal intentional, as they are making some changes to the Google Search app, that they say are aimed at improving user experience. If you were already in love with the feature, then it’s a sad news. But we suggest you wait for the changes Andy is talking about, as Google may have something better in store for you.
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