Are you a Gmail or Yahoo Mail user? Have you been experiencing delays in deliveries when emails are sent from Gmail to Yahoo? If so, then you are not the only one facing the issue, as several other users are also complaining about delayed emails on the official Gmail help forum.

Basically, what’s being reported is that emails sent from Gmail to Yahoo are getting delayed for hours (or for days in some cases). Some users have also shared screenshots of header information that indicate the problem could be at Google’s end.




It’s worth mentioning that a significant number of affected users are Yahoo Small Business customers, meaning they use Yahoo’s Business Mail, which is nothing but Yahoo Mail + some extra features.

Moving on, several of those affected confirm that they see no delay for emails received on Yahoo from sources other than Gmail. Interestingly, while most users are complaining about delay in receiving emails sent from Gmail to Yahoo, a few among the affected ones say they are encountering the same problem for emails sent from Gmail to their custom email service as well.

From what we could figure out, the issue was first reported on March 31 this year. An expert on the official Gmail forum acknowledged the problem on April 6, informing that Google is working on the problem.

“Google are working on this – has been elevated internally”


With more complaints pouring in, the same expert re-addressed users on August 22, saying:

“There seems to be an influx of issues between the Big G and Yahoo business accounts – a few similar problems have been reported”


On August 24, the expert further added:

“I am seeing a few of these sort of problems popping up, with Google having issues as you state, connecting to a Yahoo hosted domain”

They further updated on August 25 that:

“Google are investigating this matter”

See both comments in full here:

While users are still waiting for the problem to be resolved, it came to light recently that both Google and Yahoo have started playing blame-game over the issue.

“This is a problem that Google are investigating. Google claim that the Yahoo servers are the problem, and of course Yahoo claim the reverse”


“Google claim it to be a problem at Yahoo’s end (possibly causing connection issues?)”


Note: Affected users are being advised to subscribe to for news of a solution.

So the only good news so far is that Google and Yahoo are aware of the issue, and at-least Google is looking into the problem for sure. If you are among the one’s encountering the Gmail delayed sent email issue, keep a tab here as we’ll keep you posted, if and when, a fix arrives.

Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3 | Source 4 | Source 5 | Source 6


Dr. Aparajita Sharma
1261 Posts

A budding entrepreneur by profession, and a psychologist by education. As a founding member of PiunikaWeb, I am nurturing this firstborn with my sharp-eyed expertise and even journalistic writing when needed.

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