The Fortnite Item Shop is a storehouse with a boatload of interesting cosmetics and skins. Due to its rotatory nature, the shop rarely ever settles and items keep coming and leaving the place.

These rotations are done on a daily basis during which the “Daily” section changes entirely. Skins in the daily section are usually rotated while skins in the featured section stay in the shop for a while.

Nonetheless, this epic component of Fortnite is being plagued by a bug that has hindered its otherwise smooth operability:


Idk for others but for me that’s been like the standard for more than a year now, i already assimilated that little yellow square above the item shop title as an average part of the layout rather than a notification

yep I look at the shop and the ! never goes away not a new issue or a huge one but seeing that is somewhat annoying I always keep that and he amount of new stuuf in my locker cleared out so I dont see it. Such a small and minor thing drives people with OCD like me nuts

There have been several complaints from users stating that the Item Shop update notice does not clear after visiting the Item Shop on Fortnite.

The notice looks like a little yellow box with a black exclamation mark that is kind of hard to miss. Still, several users actually said that they’ve grown used to it.

After all, it has been persistent for several months now due to which some had assimilated it as a regular part of the layout rather than a dismissible notification.

fortnite in post

However, there are still quite a few users that find it pretty annoying. For such peeps, or anyone really, there is finally some good news.

As it stands, Epic Games has pulled their socks up and has finally decided that the Fortnite Item Shop update notice needs some fixing.

This is pretty clear from the notice set up on Trello stating that the issue is under investigation:


The bug has also been categorized as one of the ‘General Top Issues’ which hopefully means that it’s set to be fixed real soon. So there’s nothing to do now other than sitting tight and waiting for a bug-fixing update to roll out.

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Zohaib Ahmed
838 Posts

Simply love being surrounded by technology as it's a constant reminder of how far humans have advanced as a race. Every new development feels exciting, which I convey to others through writing. And after a day's work, gaming just feels therapeutic.

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