Apex Legends is the hottest Battle Royale in the market and the players are in awe with the content the devs have been coming out with. Most importantly, addition of new legends is one of the main things which players look forward to. A new leak which came to light recently, may have given away the list of upcoming legends.

Apex Legends: New Leaks Reveal List of Upcoming Legends

The leak came from the famous data miner That1MiningGuy. In his video about the Halloween event, he also showed a new image which was allegedly taken from Respawn’s office. The image shows the new legends which are yet to come in the future Seasons of Apex Legends.

The data miner also talks about the new skins and the new Halloween event which is coming up. Take a look at the video below –


Apex Legends is based on micro-transaction business model and was released as free-to-play. Devs introduced new cosmetic content for players to buy to support the game development costs. Also, to keep the game viable in the long run, devs had come up with the plan to release new map changes, new weapons and a new character in the game as part of the new Season. Wattson was added in Season 2 and in the Season 3, we have Crypto.

Apex Legends: New Leaks Reveal List of Upcoming Legends

There were already some speculation about the new characters coming in future from the start of the game and data leaks predicted Wattson and Crypto even before they were actually released. But those two weren’t the only ones which were predicted. The data leaks predicted a number of legends from the game files and there were speculations of Revenant, Loba, Blisk, Rampart and Valk.

While some of them weren’t as frequent in the data files but Loba and Revenant were frequently seen with Crytpo files with the updates. The picture in the video shows the Respawn devs asking for feedback on the new legends. Take a look at the picture below –

Apex Legends: New Leaks Reveal List of Upcoming Legends
Images courtesy of That1MiningGuy

The production tab shows the legends which are under production and which can be seen in the game earlier than the other. For Design alpha legends, they are given highest priority feedback which means that they are still figuring out their abilities and how to fit them in the game. But it also says that they are near locking them down which means they are the next ones to go into production stage.

What do you think about the new legends? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Varun Malhan
103 Posts

Varun is a budding writer and an engineer hailing from New Delhi, India. He is an ardent follower of the fiction entertainment industry, gaming and loves to read and follow comics, anime, and box-office smashing superhero movies and TV series. Apart from writing, he invests most of the time gaming, coding, and singing. He loves people sharing their ideas and views with him, so do share your views and ideas in the comment section if you liked the article!

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