Pinterest users are currently facing an issue where they are unable to send or view messages on the platform.

The messaging option seems to have disappeared for some users, and those who still have the option are unable to use it.

Pinterest users unable to send or view messages

Several users have taken to social media to report (1,2,3,4,5) their frustration, with many tweets and posts mentioning the issue.

It’s been a week since messages haven’t worked and now it’s gone, anyone have any updates on when this is gonna be fix bc I have people to text 🙁😢

@Pinterest for some reason I can’t message my sisters account on Pinterest and she also can’t message me

According to reports, users first noticed the issue with Pinterest messages a few days ago where messages were not working but the option was still visible.

However, the option has now completely disappeared for some users, leaving them unable to communicate with their contacts on Pinterest.

pinterest abc issue
Source (Click/Tap to Zoom:)

Apart from the inability to send messages, some are also facing issues with saving pins on the platform.

Official acknowledgment

Pinterest has acknowledged the issue on Twitter, with the Pinterest UK account stating that they are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it.

Hi there, we’re aware that some people are having trouble with certain features. We’re working on making updates. Thank you for your patience while we work on this. Thanks,

Potential workaround

While Pinterest works on a fix, some users have found a temporary workaround for the issue.

According to a Reddit post, users can still access their messages if they and the person they are contacting change their age to 19+.

pin messages fix
Source (Click/Tap to Zoom)

This should take them to their messages, allowing them to view and respond to the messages they may have.

Alternatively, another user also suggests opening Pinterest on the browser instead of the app, at least until the bug is fixed.

If you’ve had trouble viewing your boards, pins, followers, or notifications, open Pinterest in browser. It’s less convenient than the app but it’ll suffice until Pinterest either fixes the bugs or deactivated altogether.

It is currently unclear what is causing the issue with Pinterest messages. For users who heavily rely on Pinterest messages to communicate with others on the platform, this issue can be frustrating.

However, with Pinterest acknowledging the problem and working on a solution, it is likely that the issue will be resolved soon.

In the meantime, users can try the temporary workaround to access their messages and stay in touch with their contacts.
We too are hoping that the issue of Pinterest users unable to send or view messages gets resolved as soon as possible.

Until then, keep tabs on this story for further developments and do share your thoughts on the matter with us in the comment section.

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Priyanka Pathak
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