As much as TikTok is liked among fans, it has suffered equally by a string of controversies that have ignited in the recent past for more than one reason.

Even after being grilled by many, TikTok managed to survive the wave and enjoys a magnificent user base.

The app keeps tweaking the interface and backend to keep up with the ongoing trends. In short, the app does everything to stay alive in the game.


Recently, there has been an update to the Privacy Policy on TikTok and typically app developers usually let users know about the change with an in-app notification.

Things were cool and absolutely no objection here until the notification pop-ups became more frequent. This has got a lot of users frustrated.

TikTok I know you updated your Privacy Policy now, CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SHOWING ME EVERY TIME I OPEN THE APP ITS ANNOYING (Source)

Anyone else getting a privacy policy pop up literally every single time they open TikTok? (Source)

Source (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

Getting constant reminders every time you open the app for a thing that has already been noted is definitely a pain to have.

The Privacy Policy was updated on June 2 and here’s all it brings to the table.


The best guess here is that there’s a minor bug in the prompt code of the TikTok app pop-up that doesn’t realize that the message has been acknowledged.

Since it is affecting a wide set of users, it shouldn’t be far away from being noticed by the developers. Plus, this isn’t something that needs more than a couple of hours of attention.

At present, there doesn’t seem to be a way through except to keep tapping the prompt message every time you open the app.


Hopefully, TikTok will quickly take note of it and fix it before it adds more fuel to the fire.

That said, we will update new developments here, as and when anything is available.

Here’s a video of the bug. (Source)

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated TikTok Section so be sure to follow them as well.

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Ashutosh Dubey
271 Posts

Having a fervour for technology, Ashutosh keeps himself surrounded with modern tech. His ideology exhibits a blend of hard work, with fun. Not to mention, his altruistic endeavours related to social work.

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