The popular social cataloging website, Goodreads, has been around since 2006 and was acquired by Amazon in 2013.

As of now, Goodreads has over 90 million members and its app is available on platforms like Android and iOS.

Goodreads app for Android and iOS

With a huge user base like this, it is only natural for several issues to be present as long as they are being taken care of.

Same is the case with Goodreads as its Announcements page is listed with multiple known issues that are either being looked into or have been fixed.

So, let’s take a look at these known issues and what Goodreads is doing to handle them.


As per the said list, some Goodreads members are not getting the password reset email, hence, they are unable to reset their account password. While Goodreads is looking into a long-term solution for this issue, affected users can contact them for assistance.

There is an issue with the Goodreads iOS app where Friends are not being reflected correctly. Users have been advised to keep the Goodreads iOS app updated as a fix is expected to arrive.

There is another issue with the iOS app where members are getting notifications alerts even though no new notifications exist. A fix is expected to arrive for this issue soon.


On the other hand, users of the Goodreads Android app are facing a problem where the read dates are not showing up on the Read shelf. Goodreads engineers are investigating this issue.

Also, it seems that books are being marked as complete for Kindle users if they have read 80% of it. Goodreads is looking into what is causing this issue.

Moreover, few Kindle users are unable to see Kindle Notes & Highlights for some specific titles. Hopefully, Goodreads is working to address this problem as well.


As for Goodreads members who are are not receiving emails, they have been advised to check their spam folder and add ‘[email protected]’ as an email contact. Goodreads is looking for more reports on this issue.

Apart from that, Goodreads has already fixed a couple of issues related to shelves reset and Android start ratings.

It is good to see that Goodreads has acknowledged all the issues mentioned above and is working to fix them.


That said, we will also keep tracking the status of the aforementioned issues and will update this story as and when new information becomes available.

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Deveshwar Bhardwaj
862 Posts

I'm a techy who is particularly fond of Android smartphones. A writer who usually finds himself on the other side of the spectrum. An artist who likes to sing and play the guitar. Also a photographer when in the mood.

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