New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…
Original story (published on December 11, 2020) follows:
Several iPhone 12 series users on Verizon are intermittently facing a “Call failed” error message following which the call fails to connect at all, as soon as they dial up someone’s number.
The iPhone 12 series marks the entry of Apple’s smartphone department into the 5G realm for the first time. And while minor issues can be expected, call failing issues like these are bothersome and hence the complaints.

Hi..Anyone having issues with calls failing on the iPhone 12? This is specific to a iPhone 12 on Verizon. Haven’t and don’t have this issue with my X at all. Behavior is dial number and get message “Call Failed”
I’m on verizon and am constantly having this issue as well ever since upgrading to the 12 pro. Verizon has no solution and I believe it’s the phone as my 11 pro and my wife’s 11 pro max do not have this problem.
Users facing this issue have also stated that they are having trouble receiving text messages too. This doesn’t hold true for everyone though.
While most users facing this issue make use of the Verizon carrier network, there are a few reports from AT&T and T-Mobile users as well. But such differences in the number of complaints can also be attributed to the carriers’ market share.
And due to this, it can be speculated that the problem is actually from the iPhone’s side, probably software related. However, there hasn’t been any official acknowledgment by Apple or any mention in iOS 14 updates release notes.

If you are one of the users facing this issue, then you have come to the right place, as we got a few workarounds up our sleeve.
Workarounds for the “Call failed” error on iPhone 12 series
1. Turn off Wi-Fi calling: You can do this by opening up Settings and heading over to Cellular > Wi-Fi calling > Wi-Fi calling on this iPhone. You will see a toggle, and if it’s not already disabled, just turn it off.
This has reportedly worked for a couple of users.
2. Toggle airplane mode: This is the best way to temporarily work around the problem. If you are unable to make calls even after repeated attempts, a quick toggle will restore the call functionality.
Yes, this isn’t exactly a solution but it could be your best bet if you are unable to make important calls.
3. Reset network settings: This can be done via Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings and has solved the problem for quite a few users.
4. Replace SIM-card: It could be quite possible that your SIM is faulty if none of the above workarounds made any difference for you. Just get it replaced from your nearest carrier store as this user did for a positive result.
Hopefully, Apple/Verizon will address this annoying issue soon. For now, be sure to check out our dedicated iPhone 12 series and iOS 14 bugs/issues trackers for further coverage on problems like these.
Update 1 (April 19, 2021)
06:23 pm (IST): It has now come to light that some Canadian carriers like Rogers and Telus are reportedly also affected by the “Call failed” error on the iPhone 12.
I’m with Telus and iPhone 12 drops calls as soon as I leave major city’s, rural areas don’t seem to have 5G or great LTE, iPhone 8 locked on 3G works great.
Update 2 (July 05)
05:23 pm (IST): one of the affected users who got in touch with Verizon support says the company is aware of the issue.
Verizon admitted that they have had many similar complaints all from iPhone 12 users. They suggested we update to the latest release but it did not correct the problem. It seems that they are not going to help further.
Another user has added that switching to LTE only did the trick for them. So you may try the workaround.
At this point I’m not sure who’s issue it is, but I would recommend switching your iPhone 12 to LTE only. That’s how I have mine and haven’t had any issues, waiting until I hear the issues are fixed before I start using 5G.
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