This One Piece article is based on spoilers. Only those interested in spoilers should take a read.

A few days before its official release, spoilers for the One Piece chapter 964 have started to spread. According to spoilers, the title of the upcoming chapter should be “Oden’s Adventures”.

The story is being told by Oden himself. The account is from his journal that he began at Wano. It recounts his adventures as he was finally able to escape the closed country of Wano. The most intriguing part of this chapter however, is the appearance of Lady Toki.

Oden persists to join Whitebeard’s crew

Some time after Oden attacked Whitebeard, he can be found dining with the crew. He again expressed his desire to leave Wano and join them. Whitebeard declines saying Oden is not the type who follows orders. He further argues that a pirate group with disobeying members would be unpleasant.

Screenshot from a spoiler thread on Reddit.

Whitebeard then told Oden that he should set sail by himself. Oden replied saying he tried dozens of times but failed. Because of his persistence, Whitebeard was forced to set sail at night so as not to alarm Oden. This, however, was a failed attempt.

Oden was probably watching over them from nearby and jumps into the sea to go after them. He was then caught with a rope by Whitebeard’s crew.

Oden’s escape from the country if Wano

As Oden jumped into the sea, Izo chased him. Izo was trying to stop Oden, saying he is the next shogun and therefore, cannot leave the country. He was also with Oden, while he was holding onto the rope.

Whitebeard took Izo onboard, but left Oden on the rope. He then made a deal with Oden. If he can hold on to the rope for three days, he will let him join their crew. Izo was enraged because of this. Whitebeard answered that if he wants Oden to give up, Izo should persuade him.

Oden meets Toki

Just one hour before Oden accomplishes Whitebeard’s trial, Oden got exhausted. He washed up at a nearby beach. There he met Toki who was troubled by some guys.

They were pirates led by a certain fishman, captain Karma. Their objective was to sell Toki somewhere. To whom? My guess is to the celestial dragons. Then Whitebeard came to save them both. After that, Toki, Oden, and Izo finally board Whitebeard’s ship together.

In a raw scan posted on Facebook, Toki said she was 26 years old. She also revealed that she was born 800 years ago. This confirms that Toki was from some time during the Void Century. It is not revealed why Toki travelled into the future. It could be that she escaped annihilation.

One Piece will be on break next week. But we can expect to see more of Oden and Toki’s story in the following chapters.

NOTE: For more One Piece-related stories, readers may route here.
Image credits:Viz Media/ Funimation/ Onepiece.fandom

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Lambert Nathaniel
194 Posts

I am a university teacher who can't get enough of anime and manga. My class' group names are based on my favorite characters, especially from One Piece. I read manga or watch anime every chance I have. I started reading manga just a few years back and I was hooked the first day. I usually follow fan pages and am consistently given a Top Fan Badge. I also love baking and cake decorating and trying to make anime-themed cake designs.

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This One Piece article is based on spoilers. Only those interested in spoilers should take a read. The official release of One Piece chapter 964 is just a few days...
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