This One Piece article is based on spoilers. Only those interested in spoilers should take a read.

More updates on One Piece chapter 962 spoilers have recently been posted on Reddit. The upcoming chapter may focus on how Oden became the Daimyo of Kuri. It could also shed some light on how Oden gathered his subordinates.

As per spoilers, the main highlight of the chapter will include the formation of the Nine Red Scabbards. Survivors of Rocks pirates will also be emphasized. They gathered their crew after being disbanded, and also increase in power & popularity. Here are some details about these events.

Oden becomes Daimyo of Kuri

Oden leaves Yasuie’s house and heads to Kuri. Along the way, he rampages throughout Wano and attracts subordinates. He fights with Ashura Doji, the most dangerous criminal in Kuri.

Oden defeats Ashura Doji and becomes his new subordinate. Oden rounded up the criminals of Kuri and brings peace to the region. His actions reach to Kozuki Sukiyaki. Sukiyaki finally decides to stop Oden’s disownment and gives Oden the title of Daimyo.

Kuri is known to be a lawless land. This region was too much even for the shogun, Kozuki Sukiyaki to handle. Seeing Oden was bringing peace to Kuri, Sukiyaki deems him worthy to be the head of the region. This is probably the reason why Oden is beloved and respected in Kuri.

Orochi’s evil nature will be revealed

When Oden left Hakumai, Orochi probably saw it as a chance to accomplish an evil plan. He stole money from a safety box and insisted that Oden was the thief. Aside from the money, Orochi also stole the zoan type devil fruit, Yamata no Orochi model.

Orochi’s actions convey so much about his personality. He somehow resembles Marshal D. Teach in character. Maybe being a servant was Orochi’s front or disguise to infiltrate Yasuie’s household. It could be possible that Orochi already had inclinations to take over the shogun title.

Orochi is cowardly but he is wise. He is the kind of person who analyzes things and plans well. We saw this side of him when he eliminated the potential attack of the alliance on Onigashima. So it can also be possible that being a shogun was planned long beforehand.

Izo and Kikunojo

An interesting fact could get confirmed in the upcoming chapter. This may turn things around for the upcoming war at Wano, as it turns out Izo is the elder brother of Kikunojo.

Izo is a member of the Whitebeard pirates. In fact, he was a commander of the 16th division of Whitebeards fleet. Kikunojo, on the other hand, is a member of Oden’s scabbards. Izo and Kiku are sons of Japanese traditional dance family. Their father was sent to prison for an unrevealed reason.

In order to survive, they perform on the streets to earn money for food. However, people ignore them and even look down upon them. They came to Oden to beg for food. Oden will probably take them in and that is how they become his subordinates. Obviously Izo joined the Whitebeard pirates along with Oden.

Remnants of Rocks Pirates

At the end of the chapter, remnants of the Rocks pirates will be noted. After the God Valley incident, they were disbanded. They form their own pirate crews and make name for themselves.

Sometime later, Whitebeard will come to Wano and recruit Oden, Izo, Inurashi, and Nekomamushi. I think Kaido also ended up in Wano after Whitebeard leaves the country. If this is true, it is possible that it was the time Orochi and Kaido forms an alliance.

NOTE: For more One Piece-related stories, readers may route here.
Image credits:Viz Media/ Funimation/ Onepiece.fandom

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Lambert Nathaniel
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I am a university teacher who can't get enough of anime and manga. My class' group names are based on my favorite characters, especially from One Piece. I read manga or watch anime every chance I have. I started reading manga just a few years back and I was hooked the first day. I usually follow fan pages and am consistently given a Top Fan Badge. I also love baking and cake decorating and trying to make anime-themed cake designs.

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