Apex Legends Season 2 was criticized by players at large for the addition of Disruptor Rounds to the Alternator and RE-45. But they made sure to remove in Season 3. But players are skeptical of devs working on a new hop-up!

The Season 3 by far is going good for the game as the players have been enjoying the game thoroughly. The new legend addition – Crypto is also well received by the players. Some players have noticed a new weapon change which may be coming in the near future.


Apex Legends have been good at teasing content before as we have seen with the Season 3 teasers and trailers. Players found an unlockable in-game picture which shows Crypto holding two weapons at the same time. This dual wielding weapons are not entirely clear but look similar to RE-45 or P2020.

Take a look at the image below –

Apex Legends: Did Respawn just tease a new hop-up?

While new hop-ups were added in Season 3 but there was nothing which enabled players to wield 2 weapons at the same time. Maybe the devs are still working on this, but there’s nothing confirmed as of yet.

Dual wielding weapons aren’t new to FPS games. The dual wielding feature allows players to fire 2 weapons at the same time at the cost of accuracy and range as ADS is not available for dual wielding weapons.

Apex Legends: Did Respawn just tease a new hop-up?

This feature however will most probably come to RE-45, P2020 or even Alternator as with the disruptor rounds removed, players have stopped using this weapon late in the games. Alteranor’s slow rate of fire and RE-45’s low damage can be covered by this feature and this could even rival the better guns in the close range.

While this is not yet confirmed but this could change the weapon meta as alternator and RE-45 could be viable when hip firing in close range. We will have to wait and see of Respawn really does include this feature or not.

Apex Legends: Did Respawn just tease a new hop-up?

What do you think about the dual-wielding weapon feature? Should it be added? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Varun Malhan
103 Posts

Varun is a budding writer and an engineer hailing from New Delhi, India. He is an ardent follower of the fiction entertainment industry, gaming and loves to read and follow comics, anime, and box-office smashing superhero movies and TV series. Apart from writing, he invests most of the time gaming, coding, and singing. He loves people sharing their ideas and views with him, so do share your views and ideas in the comment section if you liked the article!

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