Senku and his science team successfully depetrified all their crew from the boat now that they obtained platinum, the key ingredient to the revival fluid. However their mission is far from over.

The next cruicial part of their mission now is the success of their spy team infiltrating the Master’s harem and knowing the identity of the Master.

Chapter 120 gave us a big shock when Ginrolina saw the Master inside his tent petrified. So the mystery of the real Master’s identity has just been amplified. The almost immediate speculation would be Minister Ibara petrified the Master and took it upon himself to hide the truth from everyone in the island and pretended to be the only one granted audience with him.

But I think, Minister Ibara is also just a pawn. Let us examine the details to see how this will most likely be the case.

A lot has been revealed in the previous chapter since Senku’s expedition arrived at the island of origin of the Ishigami clan. Here are some of them:

1. Soyuz somehow recalls the trauma of seeing people petrified. According to his story, he remembered escaping the island with a few others trying to escape the brutal disciplinary method of the island’s monarch. This is probably how he ended up washing ashore Ishigami village.

2. It is believed in the entire island that the Master’s bloodline has the power to petrify anyone. It is feared among their people as a punishment. But Sengku’s group learned that a device they termed petrification beam is used to accomplish this.

3. Ishigami was broken up from the group of people who originated from Byakuya and the six other austronauts with him in the island. And somewhere along the way, a petrification technology came to those people left in the island.

Now some fans of this manga may think that one of those original six survivors of the petrification could be the culprit behind all this. However Ryusui’s logic explained that whoever petrified the world must have also been petrified along with the others.

This is possibly the closest to the truth. There was no other known petrification activity until years after the Ishigami clan broke off from their main group. The objective of petrification remains a mystery. But if the culprit or culprits behind it was revived about the same time petrification came to the island as a punishment, it is possible that the real Master is one of them.

It is safe to assume that whoever are behind this also grew in number. And that they must have a lot of scientific knowledge like Sengku. It is evident in Sengku’s first encounter with them when they recieved a message in morse code while testing the boat engine in the sea.

Whoever did the petrification in the first place could also be the real Master. And Minister Ibara could be their spawn to accomplish their main objective.

Soyuz’s family history may help unfold some more information that would help Sengku solve the mysteries of petrification. As per Ginro’s observation, the petrified Master inside the tent looked like Soyuz. His ancestors may have been used and manipulated to accomplish what they have now.

It is possible that Soyuz’s ancestors were their village chief, much like how Ishigami Byakiya’s descendant were the chief of their own village. However, the present Soyuz still seems a little mysterious and suspicious. He may also be a part of the enemy’s scheme.

There were some inconsistencies with his stories. Yo was shocked at Soyuz’s stories as he seem to vividly remember some details of his memory as a baby. Also, Asagiri Gen complimented him saying it is impressive that he remembered as much.

But would a baby really remember those things? If he could he must have an idetic memory. Or he may be lying all along as part of his scheme. For all we know, he may even be connected to the Master. We should expect more revelation about his origin in the coming chapters of Dr. Stone.

Image credits: / Viz Media

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Lambert Nathaniel
194 Posts

I am a university teacher who can't get enough of anime and manga. My class' group names are based on my favorite characters, especially from One Piece. I read manga or watch anime every chance I have. I started reading manga just a few years back and I was hooked the first day. I usually follow fan pages and am consistently given a Top Fan Badge. I also love baking and cake decorating and trying to make anime-themed cake designs.

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