When we talk about the most anticipated games of the year, many will come up with names including Call of Duty Modern Warfare, FIFA 20, Need for Speed and many others. But some are waiting for a game, Cube World, which was released in 2013 but got discontinued after two years. Now, the fans are very happy to learn that the game is not dead and it will be released soon via Steam.

Cube World is an open-world role-playing game which has been developed by Wolfram von Funck. The game has been published under a German studio named Picroma. In many ways, Cube World is similar to Minecraft, but it has its own overworld map and elements which provides a pretty unique gaming experience.

Cube World

In Cube World, players roam around and explore a voxel-like world. The world of Cube World includes dungeons, castles, grasslands, snowlands, deserts, and oceans. Also, if you wish to travel fast across the Cube World map, you can use hang gliders and boats.

Cube World

Cube World also gives players an option to create multiple characters and customize them according to their preferences. There are four types of classes in Cube World, and players are required to choose one of the four classes. The four classes available for selection include warrior, rogue, ranger, or mage.

Cube World

The game also allows players to tame animals including sheep, turtles which can be utilized alongside a fight. Also, some animals can be used to fast travel across the Cube World map. Similar to Minecraft, ‘Crafting’ is one the prominent feature of the Cube World game. Players can use crafting to create food, potions, weapons, and armor.

Cube World

Wolfram von Funck describes the game as a “3D Voxel-Based game,” which focuses on exploration and RPG elements. He started developing the game in 2011 and later his wife Sarah von Funck helped him in the implementation of the new content.

But after July 2015 the game was made unavailable for purchase, which left Cube World fans in surprise as the developer did not reveal the reason for the discontinuation of the game.

Cube World

But in an official blog post, published on September 7, Funck explained the reason for the discontinuation of the game and its updates which can be read below.

When I released Cube World back in 2013 on our homepage, I was enthusiastic to finally share my game with you. It was a dream come true for me, I wanted to be a game developer since I was a kid.

As some of you might remember, we got DDoS’ed as soon as we opened the shop. It might sound silly, but this event traumatized me and kind of broke something inside me. I never told anyone about it, and I don’t want to go into the details, but I’m dealing with anxiety and depression ever since.

Social media didn’t improve it, as you might imagine. I’m still not sure if it’s a good idea to tell the world about it, but I wanted to give the fans an explanation

Cube World

You can read the complete blog post by heading here. Funck has also shared 16-minute long gameplay of the Cube World 2.0 Have a look at the gameplay below.

The game is expected to be released in September or October. Once it is available, players will be able to download the game from the Steam. The developers have not revealed the price of the game yet. It will be interesting to see whether Cube World will leave a mark like Minecraft or not.

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Vaibhav Chawla
710 Posts

An avid follower of the latest technology & gaming trends. Looks for positivity & happiness around. Follows the mantra "Work Hard & Play Hard." A sports enthusiast, and Federer fan. I believe in myself & currently enjoying the journey of life.

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