The story of Russia’s ban on Telegram is taking interesting turns with each passing day. First it was the way Russia went about implementing the ban, and now it’s coming to light that the real reason behind the ban could be entirely different.

Russia dragged Telegram to court over national security reasons, as the company refused to provide chat encryption keys to the government. A Russian court deemed the government’s argument as correct, and ordered ban on the service.

However, the real reason behind Russia’s action on Telegram could be something else.

Local magazine RBC has seen a letter written by an FSB agent Roman Antipkin, which says it was actually Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s plans to launch their own cryptocurrency that prompted Russia to act – just that the government took the company to court for some other reason.

“Colleagues, but history is not at all about it, as you do not understand! History is not about keys and terrorism <...>. Pasha Durov decided to become a new Mavrodi. Having launched our crypt, we in Russia will receive a completely uncontrolled financial system. And this is not bitcoin for marginalized people, it will be simple, reliable and uncontrollable. This is a threat to the security of the country <...>. All the drugs, naked, trade bodies will go through Pashin kriptu, and he will say: “I have nothing to do with it, forbid words, they are used by terrorists,” says a letter signed by Roman Antipkin.

For those who aren’t aware, Telegram announced its crypto plans in late 2017. The idea was to develop a platform called Telegram Open Network and a cryptocurrency called Gram. Earlier this month it was reported the company has already raised a total of $1.7 billion from its two pre-ICO sales.

While both Russian government and Telegram haven’t offered any word on the report, RBC says the letter they are referring to has been personally (although anonymously) verified by a federal official and a top executive working at a major Russian telecom company.

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Himanshu Arora
372 Posts

My interest in technology and writing started back in 2010. Since then, I have written for many leading publications, including Computerworld, GSMArena, TechSpot, HowtoForge, LinuxJournal, and MakeTechEasier to name a few. Here at PiunikaWeb, my work involves covering on daily basis the biggest tech stories as well as scoops that you won't find anywhere else.

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