Update (March 27):

At least one user confirmed to us on Twitter that they face the issue one their iPhone 8 Plus running iOS 11.2.6.

Original story:

Yes, this is a new weather-related issue that’s not only plaguing the iPhone X but iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus as well. Basically, the complaint is the camera flash doesn’t work in cold conditions, although flashlight itself works when turned on separately.

Before you bring up the 0º-35º C (32º-95º F) limit, it’s worth mentioning that we’re specifically talking about the over-0-degree-Celsius conditions here.

To begin with, the issue hasn’t popped up recently – users have been complaining about the problem since months now. Just that Apple hasn’t treated it as a genuine concern so far, with most complainants being told there is no such known issue.

Curiously, at-least some users have confirmed they were offered replacements. However, sadly, the problem persisted even with the new units.

Same problem, apple even replaced it with a new phone, the flash still does not work even on 5 degrees celsius. so frustrating

It’s difficult to find the total number of affected users, but just to give you an idea on how widespread the issue is, one – just one – official Apple Forum thread discussing the matter currently has the number 1014 on the ‘I have this question too‘ button, meaning those many people have confirmed they’re facing the camera flash problem.


Then we have people on other platforms like Reddit and Twitter also reporting the same issue.

Flash doesn't work in the daek/cold from iPhoneX


We could find several comments/posts/tweets that were made after iOS 11.2.6 arrived, indicating the problem is still affecting users.

I have the same problem. Does anybody now if it’s hardware or software issue?
I can’t believe Apple doesn’t acknowledge this problem at all. They just send us link with acceptable operating temepratures for iphone to work fine, and that’s all. But clearly that is not the problem here, since people have these problems when using their phones in temperatures above 0 celsius, and slightly below 0 celsius. – Feb 26

Yeah, 37 degrees F and trying to take a picture of my broken car to show insurance. Really ***** I’ll have to wait until daytime and go to the tow yard to take a picture of the car for insurance. My 6S Plus took pics like this all day long. Ridiculous. Apple make this work! I’m inside your precious operating specifications. – Feb 27

Has anyone found a fix to this problem yet? Mine wont work slightly below, around, or even slightly above zero. I cant believe Apple isnt doing anything to solve this problem, its so frustrating. – Feb 26

Hello. Help me. I have a new Iphone 8 plus. When is cold i can’t takes photos with flash in dark. But in this time flashlights its ok. Do you have this problem? Or just me. Answer me please because i what to change it. — Feb 25

Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet? Same problem here with iphone 8. PS. If you want flash to work for one or two quick photos, first turn on flashlight and then take a pic with flash turned on. It works like this every single time, but you have to always turn flashlight first and than instantly take photo, or it won’t work again… Same goes for taking video. I hope Apple can do something about it, maybe it’s a software bug after all, and not hardware issue, at least I hope so… Feb 27

Here is an exhaustive list of sources where this problem is being discussed: Twitter, Reddit (1,2,3,4, 5), and Apple forums (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). Journalist/photographer Jan Rybar also faced the same issue.

It’s sad that Apple hasn’t paid attention to a critical problem like this, despite being reported by a very large number of users. Adding salt to the injury is the fact that the company knows cold weather can cause issues with its devices, as it has already acknowledged and fixed a different, weather-related iPhone X problem.

For those of you pinning hopes on the imminent iOS 11.3 release, we are sorry to say, but it seems less likely that new OS will contain a fix as a user running iOS 11.3 beta confirmed earlier this month that they also faced this problem.

I’ve experienced this issue once, the other day. Trying to take a picture of a car engine bay, probably about 1/2c temperature and it didn’t work. I AM on 11.3 Beta 1 though.

Stay connected with us on Twitter (@PiunikaWeb) to hear about all related developments as and when they occur


Dr. Aparajita Sharma
1261 Posts

A budding entrepreneur by profession, and a psychologist by education. As a founding member of PiunikaWeb, I am nurturing this firstborn with my sharp-eyed expertise and even journalistic writing when needed.

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